“The greatest climate challenge of our time is global warming”

Шмелева Ирина

Photo by: Andrew Peacock / iStock

As recently as 15 years ago, the issue of rising temperatures was not so much on the radar screen when discussing climate change. The experts at the time often said that the climate could fluctuate both sharply in the direction of warming and in the direction of cooling.

Today, however, it is clear that the main climate problem is global warming, leading to melting permafrost, land degradation, forest fires, and changes in biodiversity in different regions.

About 10 years ago there was a theory in the media that warming would play to Russia’s advantage, because fruit and vegetables could be grown in Siberia. Of course, these are naive assumptions. In fact, warming has led to the destruction of roads, infrastructure and houses in permafrost areas.

In addition, the thawing process has brought to the surface micro-organisms and bacteria that have been dormant for thousands of years. This, in turn, has led to the exacerbation of various diseases and the emergence of new ones.

Cover photo: Gazprom Press Service
