Researchers make progress in biodiversity restoration

Photo by: Courtesy of Sinogene Biotechnology Co

Beijing biotechnology firm Sinogene Biotechnology has claimed the world’s first successful cloning of a wild arctic wolf. This was reported by China’s Global Times newspaper.

“To save the endangered species, we began a scientific collaboration with the Harbin Polarland Oceanarium in 2020 to clone the Arctic wolf. After two years of hard work, the Arctic wolf was successfully cloned. This is the first case of its kind in the world,” Co CEO Mi Jidong told reporters.

According to scientists, the wolf cub, nicknamed Maya, is 100 days old. The cub is healthy and feeling fine. The animal’s donor cage was taken from a skin sample of a female arctic wolf imported from Canada.

Maya’s surrogate is a beagle dog. According to experts, the dog was chosen as a surrogate parent because the dogs share a genetic ancestor with ancient wolves, which gives a better chance of success.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has recognised Arctic wolves as endangered and placed them on the Red List of Threatened Species. In China, polar wolves are imported from abroad and bred in zoos.

Experts have cited the birth of the world’s first cloned polar wolf as a milestone in the application of genetic duplication technology. This is of great importance for the conservation of endangered animals and biodiversity in general.

He Zhenmin, head of China’s Experimental Resources Research Institute for Food and Drug Control, noted that clone animals are able to reproduce as long as they have intact eggs. Cloning technology makes it possible to copy all genetic information for breeding and thus diversify the population of endangered species.

Starting with the world’s first mammal clone, the famous Dolly sheep, cloning has enabled the introduction of genetic diversity into certain breeds of cattle, pigs and horses.

In the future, Sinogene Biotechnology, in partnership with Beijing Wildlife Park, intends to launch a joint programme to conserve genetic material of rare and endangered species for subsequent cloning.

According to the National Forestry and Range Administration, stepping up efforts to protect endangered wildlife species and their habitats is part of the goals of China’s 14th Five-Year National Development Plan (2021–2025).

Cover photo: Courtesy of Sinogene Biotechnology Co



  • 05.09.2022 8:00
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    Леонтьев Максим

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