Second injured polar bear was rescued in Polar region within two months

Female polar bear sent to Moscow for medical attention.

Photo by: sarkophoto / iStock

As we know, biodiversity conservation is a crucial factor in combating climate change. Protecting islands of wildlife is an extremely serious task that hundreds of experts around the world have to deal with. Often, humans have to intervene in the dramas that occur in the world of wildlife.

An injured polar bear was found in the village of Dixon, in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region. This is the second animal of this species to come out to the residents of the settlement in the last two months, TASS reported. Such animal behaviour indicates serious climate change, experts believe.

According to the regional Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management, the animal was seriously injured. The bear had to be sedated with tranquilisers, after which it was transported from Dixon to Norilsk by helicopter.

Veterinarians from Moscow and Rosprirodnadzor staff flew to Norilsk to help.

As Rosprirodnadzor head Svetlana Radionova said in her Telegram channel a little later, the polar bear was decided to be sent to Moscow.

“The animal was found near the settlement, possibly showing aggression. Experts are now preparing a cage to transport the bear. Tomorrow early morning the bear cub will be brought to the airport in Norilsk, from where it will be transported to Moscow for treatment. There is still hope for her rescue,” the publication said.

Earlier, in late July, an emaciated polar bear cub with a tin of condensed milk jammed in her mouth came to the people in the village of Dixon. The animal was sedated and the tin was removed from its mouth. The bear was then flown by helicopter to a deserted area and released into the wild, leaving her with a pile of fish. The food was intended to help the animal recover and heal the wounds in its mouth, so that it might be able to return to its natural habitat.

The village of Dixon is located on the shore of the Kara Sea on the Taimyr Peninsula. Dickson is considered the most northern Russian settlement with about 530 people. Part of the settlement is located on the mainland and the other part on the island of the same name.

Polar bears are listed in the International Red Data Book and the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. According to the latest estimates, there are as many as 31,000 of these animals in the world. The polar bear is considered the largest terrestrial predator on our planet.

Russian scientists warn that melting Arctic ice is increasingly killing polar bears. According to Ilya Mordvintsev, a leading researcher at the Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the rapid warming in the Arctic is making life of polar bears very difficult, forcing them to adapt and seek new sources of food.

As the researcher told journalists, on Yamal, polar bears have learned to fish at the mouths of rivers and sometimes hunt for seals. But on Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land, the bears have to climb rocks where birds nest. In these regions, experts occasionally find animals that have died of starvation and are extremely emaciated.

Cover photo: FRANKHILDEBRAND / iStock



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