Muscovites have been asked not to feed ducks with bread for the health of the birds and the ecology of water bodies

Moscow residents and guests have been asked not to feed bread to ducks in city water bodies. According to environmentalists, this can damage the health of the birds and even lead to their deaths, as well as worsen the condition of the water.

As usual, the hot summer led to intensive blooms of blue-green algae in the ponds. When they bloom, these microorganisms absorb oxygen and release toxic substances.

Bread that people throw into a body of water quickly goes mouldy. It also absorbs toxins released by blue-green algae. Birds eat such bread, and the digestive system of the birds fails from such “treats”. The poisoning can cause serious harm to the birds.

The Moscow ecologists pointed out that water blooms occur every year.

“During the summer period, birds do not need feeding at all: there is now plenty of natural, species-focused food for all wildlife, and ducks must learn to get their own food in natural conditions in order not to die during the difficult flight to winter,” stressed the experts.

As clarified by Mospriroda, the State Nature Conservation Institution, ducks and other birds can and should be fed during the cold season. At the same time, you should exclude baked goods, as well as spicy, smoked and salted foods from the birds’ diet.

Experts advise feeding waterfowl when the air temperature goes lower than 15 degrees below freezing. Mospriroda noted that feeding birds during the cold season provides a good opportunity to observe different species of winged inhabitants of the capital and study their habits.

“But in this case, too, it should be feeding rather than overfeeding the birds dashing for food. It is best to feed the ducks with pellets of special compound feed, and place them on snow-free platforms or planks with borders near the water, on so-called feeding tables,” the institution warned.

If mixed fodder is not available, dried white bread, wholemeal bread and oat flakes can be offered as supplements to the ducks during frosty weather.

It is noteworthy that every year in May-June a “duck census” is held in Moscow — an action to count and record the number of these birds. Last year, almost 1190 chicks were counted in natural areas for about 220 broods. By the way, the most common types of ducks in the capital are mallards and shelducks.

Mallard is the most numerous and one of the largest ducks. It is found in almost all natural areas where there are water bodies. Many of them stay in Moscow for the winter. Ogar is a red duck. These are red birds that look like small geese.

Cover photo: Kanmu / iStock



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