Vice Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko assured that Russia will provide itself with eco-packaging

Russian enterprises will be able to fully cover the needs of agricultural producers and processors in packaging. This was stated by Vice Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko in her Telegram channel.

The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government noted that under the sanctions, many packaging manufacturers were forced to leave the country’s market.

The Vice Prime Minister specified that the state has all the necessary technologies, resources and raw materials to establish its own production of safe packaging materials, the properties of which will not affect the quality of the products.

So, at the Mondi plant in Syktyvkar, a new production of food cardboard was launched, which will replace the tetrapack that left Russia.

In the Leningrad region, specialists from NPJSC Sylvamo Corporation Rus are studying the technical possibilities of producing cardboard base for “portioned” packaging, which was used for baby food and other goods.

The first tests showed a positive result, so the eco-packaging will soon go into serial production.

In addition, the Tetra Pak plant in the Moscow region did not stop its work and will continue to provide its customers with products.

“We are ready to provide the market with our food packaging,” Victoria Abramchenko emphasized.

According to the Center for Macroeconomic and Regional Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Agricultural Bank, the volume of the Russian packaging market by the end of 2025 may increase by 30%. At the same time, it is likely that the share of eco-packaging will be up to 50% of the total volume of packaging produced in Russia.

Currently, 80–85% of the products of the food packaging market are produced by domestic enterprises.

Now the largest Russian producers of dairy products (in fact, the main buyers of tetrapack packaging) do not experience a shortage of packaging materials, despite the suspension of a number of enterprises in the country.

Natalya Khudyakova, head of the Center for Macroeconomic and Regional Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Agricultural Bank, noted that now in Russia there is an increased demand for packaging for dairy products, but domestic producers have sufficient stocks of raw materials and materials to meet it. Trading companies have recommendations for product suppliers, the packaging for which is divided into the most preferred (for drinks, these are bottles and cans that are better recyclable), less preferred (multilayer carton packaging, tetrapack) and least preferred (bag-in-box, flowpack , pouch, jug). Thus, the main task of the industry today is to find an agreement between manufacturers and retailers on the acceptance of products in packaging that is convenient for both parties.

Cover photo: dusanpetkovic / iStock

