
The draft outcome document on COP27 raised questions for Russia

Photo by: Sean Gallup / Getty Images

Russia has comments on the draft outcome document of the UN World Climate Summit, said Ruslan Edelgeriev, Special Representative of the Russian President on Climate Issues and head of the Russian delegation at COP27.

“We have received the draft of the final decision, and there are a number of parameters on which we have comments. First of all, it is disappointing that the texts of the Paris Agreement have been changed, and this process has not been agreed and discussed by anyone. For example, 2050 as a single deadline for achieving carbon neutrality, the need to peak emissions by 2030, and the use of certain energy sources are being actively imposed. Russia is interested in combating climate change, but the development of joint actions should take place in a transparent way and not be the result of behind-the-scenes games,” said Edelgeriev.

Russia intends to advocate the inclusion of a separate paragraph on support for developing countries in the outcome document of the World Climate Summit.

“We intend to support developing countries and add a separate paragraph about the fact that sustainable financing should not face artificial constraints and should be provided on affordable terms to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” the Russian Special Representative said.

Russia is not the only country that has had comments on the draft final document on the COP27. The fact that there is disagreement is also confirmed by the UN. This is particularly true on a number of issues, including those related to “loss and damage”. The UN Secretary-General called on the parties to realise the urgency of the moment and to agree on real solutions to the greatest challenges facing humanity.

As previously reported, Russia will deliver on its climate change pledges despite the sanctions. The country has and will continue to pursue a proactive policy to prevent climate change and adapt to its adverse effects, in full compliance with the UN Framework Convention and the Paris Agreement.

Cover photo: Christophe Gateau / DPA



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