
Ageing populations and poverty amplify the negative impact of air pollution on health

Photo by: yanKing999 / iStock

Ageing populations and poverty can exacerbate the negative health effects of air pollution and can even offset the positive effects of environmental improvements by increasing premature mortality. This is the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in the USA, science news portal Phys.org reported.

The research team used both known and predicted data to simulate five possible scenarios for estimating premature mortality due to air pollutant emissions. They also identified regions of the world whose populations would be most likely to be affected.

Analysis of the dataset assessed how changing socio-economic trends and climate change mitigation efforts might affect global fossil fuel use and, by extension, air quality.

In all five scenarios, the researchers found countries and regions that had reduced pollution levels by reducing emissions and limiting the use of fossil fuels.

At the same time, the calculations showed that lower pollutant emissions do not necessarily reduce projected mortality rates.

“Emerging markets such as China and India account for less than half of global carbon emissions, but these countries suffer 60% of global health damage from air pollution,” said Hui Yang, one of the study’s authors, a civil and environmental engineering specialist.

The researchers found that China and India would account for the greatest number of premature deaths in most possible scenarios.

According to scientists, this trend is linked to inadequate socio-economic development, limited access to health care and an ageing population that is more vulnerable to the effects of pollution.

“If we do more to clean the air and limit emissions, we have a chance to have a different future to combat some of the negative health, socio-demographic impacts. Change is coming our way,” added lead author of the study, Wei Pen, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.

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