
The UN proposes five steps for countries to adapt to the climate crisis

Photo by: ANATOLIY Arkhipenko / iStock 

The United Nations (UN) has developed a five-point programme to help countries adapt to climate change and become more resilient.

The first of the proposed methods, the experts named the creation of a warning system for the population about abnormal heat waves or hurricanes. Simply being informed helps to reduce damage from natural phenomena by 30%.

“Early warning systems that provide climate forecasts are one of the most cost-effective adaptation measures, generating about $9 total return for every dollar invested,” the experts said.

In Bangladesh, the number of cyclone victims has been reduced 100-fold over the past 40 years thanks to an improved early warning system.

The UN cited reforestation of urban forests as a second method of protection against climate change, which cools the air.

On an ordinary sunny day, one tree provides a cooling effect equivalent to two household air-conditioners during a day.

With the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the project aims to plant 1.4 million trees over four years to control soil erosion, retain water and conserve nutrients.

Climate change is directly linked to water, be it floods, droughts, rising sea levels or water scarcity. By 2030, one in two people in the world is expected to face severe water shortages.

Investing in more efficient irrigation will be crucial, as agriculture accounts for 70% of global freshwater withdrawals. In urban centres, an estimated 100–120 billion cubic metres of water could be saved by the end of the decade by reducing leakage.

Climate-resilient infrastructure refers to assets and systems, such as roads, bridges and power lines, that can withstand the impacts of extreme climate impacts. Such infrastructure accounts for 88% of the projected costs of adapting to climate change.

A World Bank report says investments in climate-resilient infrastructure in low- and middle-income countries could yield an estimated $4.2 trillion in total benefits, or about $4 for every dollar invested.

Climate change adaptation solutions are more effective if they are integrated into long-term strategies and policies. National adaptation plans are a critical governance mechanism through which countries can plan for the future and set strategic priorities for adapting to climate change, the UN said.

Cover photo: Daniiielc / iStock



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