The procedure for financing the Programme on Environmental Development and Climate Change in Russia has been clarified






On 23 October 2023, Vladimir Putin signed Decree No. 800 on expanding the list of State Programmes. It will be possible to finance activities included in the Federal Scientific and Technical Programme in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and climate change for 2021-2030 at the expense of their budgets.


The Federal Scientific and Technical Programme in the field of environmental development was developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, and signed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin. 


It is aimed at creating science-intensive technological solutions aimed at studying the climate, mechanisms for adapting to climate change and its consequences, as well as taking measures to reduce the negative impact of gases on the environment. 


The Federal Science and Technology Programme includes several areas, among which are: 


  • environmental and climate monitoring and forecasting; 

  • mitigation of anthropogenic impact on the environment and climate; 

  • adaptation of ecological systems of the population and economic sectors to climate change. 


Expected results of the Programme are: developed, tested and internationally recognised models for the application of low-carbon technologies in economic sectors, as well as greenhouse gas absorption technologies. The Programme also provides a system for monitoring greenhouse gas flows and the carbon cycle. 


“Thanks to the new Federal Programme, there will be methodologies and tools for assessing both environmental consequences and negative human impact, a scientific centre, a modelling system and a national technological base,” said Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Alexander Kozlov.




Unsplash / William Bossen / Scott Graham

