
Clean energy must be doubled over the next eight years to save the climate

Photo by: Chun han / iStock

To curb the rate of global warming, the amount of energy produced from clean sources must be significantly increased, otherwise the risks posed by climate change, extreme weather and water scarcity will endanger not only energy security, but also renewable energy sources (RES) themselves. This is what the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in a report on energy.

“The energy sector accounts for about three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions. Switching to clean forms of power generation such as solar, wind and hydropower, and improving energy efficiency are vital for prosperity in the 21st century,” said WMO Secretary-General Professor Petteri Taalas.

He also recalled the global goal to reach zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this, clean energy production will have to be doubled over the next eight years. In addition, investment in renewable energy around the world must be tripled.

So far, countries have been slow to invest heavily in the sector. However, the demand for electricity will only increase every year, as electrification is an important tool for achieving sustainable development goals. And it is renewables that must meet the growing demand.

The authors of the report note that access to reliable information on weather, water and climate will become increasingly important. This will help increase the resilience of energy infrastructure and develop effective mechanisms for planning electricity procurement and distribution, responding to natural disasters, and optimising the operation of renewables.

Remember that in September the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), which includes Russia, signed the Samarkand Declaration and adopted 21 documents, among them a special declaration on action to respond to climate change.

Cover photo: Joey Ingelhart / iStock



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