
Wind turbines will become Sweden’s main energy source by 2030

Photo by: Adam Smigielski / iStock

Swedish wind power will surpass hydropower to become the country’s largest source of electricity by the end of the decade. This will strengthen the country’s position as a key European electricity exporter, Reuters writes.

“By 2030, onshore wind will slightly overtake hydropower as the largest source of electricity, reaching a total of 70.1 terawatt hours (TWh),” said Rystad renewable energy analyst Francesca Bjornflaten.

She said the country’s total electricity generation should reach 208 TWh in 2030, an increase of about 30 per cent compared to today.

During the first three quarters of 2022, Sweden was the largest exporter of electricity in Europe, selling more than 20 percent of its total generation to neighbouring countries, according to a green energy report by research company Rystad covering Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

Meanwhile, Rystad expects traditional export leader France to overtake Sweden again in the next two years.

“However, after 2025, we see Sweden becoming a candidate to replace France as Europe’s permanent largest electricity exporter, as Sweden’s overall electricity production will grow much faster than that of France, given its aging nuclear fleet,” said Francesca Björnflaten.

Finland and Denmark are also on track for significant growth in renewable energy, with electricity production in all three countries expected to exceed domestic demand, offering a large export of green energy to Europe at low prices. The combined onshore wind and solar power capacity in Denmark, Sweden and Finland will more than double, from 32 GW this year to 74 GW by 2030, Rystad forecasts.

Cover photo: fotografiche / iStock



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