
Eco-technologies presented at Made in Russia 2022

The Made in Russia 2022 International Export Forum was held in Moscow. Participants in the event included representatives of major Russian and foreign companies, federal and regional authorities, Russian banks, export support centres, industry associations and unions.

78 countries sent delegates to the forum, five times more than last year. The exhibition featured 134 exhibits. These were cutting-edge technologies that are exported by domestic companies around the world, as well as developments with high export potential.

Innovative solutions in the field of sustainable development and ecology could also be seen among the exhibitors.

For example, a garbage-sorting robot manufactured by Nevlabs fires compressed air at rubbish. It is capable of handling up to 10 tonnes of waste per hour, which could replace 20 people picking up rubbish by hand. The robot can pick up colour- and type-separated PET, polyethylene solids, waste paper, films and non-ferrous metals. The robot has a sorting accuracy of around 90%.

Another project focusing on sorting waste, but at an earlier stage, is the Fandobox, a machine that collects empty plastic bottles and aluminium cans. The machine is installed in a passable area, consumers drop off their empty packaging, get a reward and the waste is sent for recycling.

Research and production association “Ecosystem” has introduced a radial flotation unit for wastewater treatment, capable of handling high levels of organic, suspended solids and grease. At the same time, the prefabricated housing ensures easy transport and installation of the equipment.

Several projects showed their developments in the field of electric transport development. For example, research and production enterprise “Eltavr” presented an electric minibus of open-type, consisting of more than 90% domestic parts. It can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h and have a range of 70 km (and double that with a higher-capacity battery). The company’s second exhibit is an electric truck with a payload capacity of 1 tonne and a range of 120 kilometres without recharging.

"Mars Bike has developed an ultralight electric bike for city travel. It is similar to a motorbike, weighs only 30 kilograms and reaches speeds of up to 40 kilometres per hour.

There was even an electric snowboard from the company Elikew at the fair. Manufacturers assure that it is extremely easy to maintain. There is nothing to break, as instead of many parts from the internal combustion engine, the electric unit has just a motor consisting of a winding and a bearing, a controller and a lithium battery, which has at least 2,000 charge cycles.

This interest in electric vehicles logically leads to the production of charging stations. At the forum, several companies presented their developments in the field of charging devices for electric vehicles.

The green energy sector was not left out either. "Unigreen Energy, one of Russia’s largest renewable energy companies, presented photovoltaic façade systems for cladding buildings. In addition to generating electricity, they provide aesthetic appeal to houses and offices.

Also at the forum, companies showed their developments in the field of modular city farming, environmentally friendly packaging, and safe household chemicals for the home made from fruits and vegetables.

Cover photo: Vladimir Gerdo / TASS



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