In the Urals, the carbon footprint of agricultural recyclables is being reduced in order to reduce the negative impact on the climate

Scientists have developed technology that will reduce food waste and create new foods.

Specialists of South Ural State University have created and patented a method of processing low-quality raw materials from poultry farms into protein additives for meat products and a blowing agent for the confectionery industry.

According to the head of the research, assistant professor of the department “Food and biotechnology” Oksana Zinina, during the processing of poultry at enterprises a lot of secondary raw materials and by-products of low quality, such as entrails are formed. Such waste products create a visible carbon footprint and require additional disposal costs. At the same time, they are rich in protein.

“We solved the problem by developing a technology that allows us to turn raw materials into a protein additive. It can be used as a foaming agent in confectionary production, as well as a technological food component for meat products as an alternative to chemical ingredients,” — the agency quotes the words of a scientist.

As Ms. Zinina specified, the technology of protein hydrolysates was created with the support of Chebarkulskaya Poultry Agro Holding. The process is based on microbial fermentation. The hydrolyzate can also be used in the production of fertilizers for agriculture, animal feed, and film coatings.

Note that food waste includes all types of food that have lost their consumer properties during production, storage, consumption or processing.

They also include flavor waste, which includes spices, food acids, condiments, coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco products. They are not hazardous, but food waste must be disposed of correctly and in a timely manner.

Due to the high humidity in food waste, they rot quickly and become a source of pathogenic microorganisms and pathogens. In addition, their smell attracts insects that are vectors of dangerous diseases. According to some estimates, agriculture is a serious emitter of greenhouse gases, which negatively affects the climate. Waste from agricultural production is a particularly significant contributor to CO2 emissions.

According to the Higher School of Economics, Russia accumulates 17 million tons of food waste annually, worth a total of 1.6 trillion rubles. According to scientists, this amount could be used to feed 30 million people, which would also prevent the emission of 2.4 million tons of methane and other gases from landfills.

Some of this waste is saved from ending up in landfills by Russians themselves. They feed them to stray animals and pets, turn what they don’t eat into compost, and also freeze excess food or distribute it to those in need, either in person or through Internet platforms, food-sharing services, and so on.


Cover photo: Maksymenko Nataliia / iStock



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