The development of the network of natural parks in Russia continues

In the Republic of Altai, it is planned to create a natural park “Karakol Lakes” on the lands of the Specially Protected Natural Area (SPNA) of the same name. There are seven ponds of different colors.

According to the head of the republic, Oleg Khorokhordin, the initiative will be discussed with the residents of the region, and the final decision will be made taking into account the opinions of experts and environmentalists.

The governor added that the organization of a natural park on the Karakol lakes will strengthen the environmental monitoring of the natural monument and adjacent areas, which will help control the situation with waste.

The project provides for the construction of a road to the protected area. This will make the route to the lakes more civilized and safer, since now the lakes can only be reached by off-road vehicles.

As part of the initiative, it is planned to develop a concept for the development of the territory of the natural park, including a system of hiking trails for tourists.

It is expected that the implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to the conservation of the nature of the Altai Mountains.

The development of a network of natural parks and specially protected areas is an important part of the actions aimed at combating global warming and stabilizing the climate. According to experts, “virgin” natural areas are the best dampers, mitigating the effects of negative climatic factors and preventing weather anomalies.

Now in Russia there are several federal and regional projects for the improvement of natural parks, the preservation and restoration of natural monuments affected by forest fires, logging and other severe impacts.

But gray landfills are a separate problem. These dumps are literally a disaster, as they appear spontaneously, usually in outdoor picnic areas or near small towns. The organization of the park zone should guarantee the elimination of garbage dumps and their absence in the future in the protected area. Often, tourists are to blame for the appearance of garbage in the forest and park areas.

The flow of tourists to Altai does not stop all year round, which has a positive effect on the image of the region and its budget. The number of tourists to the Altai Republic is estimated at 1 million people a year. Therefore, the development of tourism in the region is one of the priorities.

Altai is a unique natural area, as there are steppe, forest-steppe, taiga and mountains at the same time, there is a huge number of natural reservoirs, various species of animals live, including rare Red Book ones. The nature of Altai is under the strict supervision of public and private organizations. Thanks to vigilant supervision, the region is recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly in Russia.

Cover photo: Valerii Molodavkin / iStock



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