SIBUR finalized the first transaction for the sale of emission reductions to QIWI Group




Russian petrochemical company SIBUR became the first industrial organization in Russia to complete a transaction to sell greenhouse gas emission reductions on a blockchain platform. The transaction involves the sale of carbon units generated as part of a climate project at ZapSibNeftekhim.


SIBUR's carbon units were acquired by QIWI Group, a leading provider of payment and financial services. Thus, the company has fully offset its carbon footprint (Scope 1 & 2) for 2022. In figures, this indicator is equal to 3,121 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent.


The transaction to purchase carbon tokens, the digital equivalents of GHG emission reduction units, as well as their redemption, took place in a public distributed ledger on the Green Digital Platform.


The climate project, which was implemented at ZapSibNeftekhim, received confirmation from Verico SCE, Europe's leading validation and verification center, of compliance with ISO 14064-2:2019 back in February 2023. At that time, SIBUR received certified GHG emission reductions of about 3 million tons of CO2 over the preceding five years (from 2017 to 2022).


GHG emission reduction units are placed in a public distributed registry. They are available for purchase both in Russia and abroad. This is a great opportunity for both businesses and individuals to offset their carbon footprint.

For instance, just recently such a private request for carbon footprint offsetting was fulfilled by Carbon Zero. Then a resident of the Nizhny Novgorod region purchased "green" certificates in the amount of his apartment's annual electricity consumption.




Unsplash / C. G. / Shubham Dhage



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