Oil business sets targets to reduce GHG emissions





Studies conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have shown that 89% of the world's global CO2 emissions originate from fossil fuels and industry. Russia is in the top three in terms of emissions, outpaced only by the United States and China.

Nevertheless, the volume of GHG emissions in Russia has nearly been halved over the last 25 years. The positive dynamics has arisen, among other things, due to the new strategy of large businesses. Rosneft reported that for 2022, it has reduced absolute GHG emissions by 11% relative to the base year of 2020.

Rosneft also noted that consistent and systematic work to implement the "2030: Reliable Energy and Global Energy Transition" strategy significantly improved key environmental indicators in 2022 compared to the previous year. 

The company continued to apply methane emission detection technology using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground monitoring equipment. A total of 341 sites at Rosneft's twenty-four production companies were surveyed using UAVs, and another 525 sites were surveyed using ground monitoring equipment. This resulted in the development of a set of measures to effectively eliminate the detected sources of methane emission.

In 2022, Rosneft launched 17 new facilities as part of its gas investment program to increase rational use of associated petroleum gas (APG). The facilities included: gas injection, power generation, gas treatment and utilization, and gas transportation infrastructure.

The company emphasized that for the period from 2013 to 2022, it invested about RUB 204 billion in projects to put APG into beneficial use.

In addition, Rosneft became the first Russian oil & gas company to set a strategic goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.



Unsplash / Charlene Olsen / Matthias Heyde



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