Supercomputer predicted climate catastrophe on Earth before 2100





The latest study by an international team of scientists has led to a shocking discovery: a climate catastrophe is imminent for the Earth. All scenarios indicate serious consequences of global warming.


The supercomputer climate modeling study involved scientists from Switzerland, the United States, China, Ireland, Finland and Sweden. The experts linked climate and economic models and incorporated 1,200 technologies for producing and using different types of energy, as well as methods for reducing GHG emissions. The supercomputer generated 4,000 scenarios for 15 regions of the world up to the year 2100.

Seventy percent of all scenarios foretold that the world would inevitably exceed the global warming mark of 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next 5 years. Once exceeded, the consequences of global warming will be irreversible and even catastrophic. Therefore, experts urge to keep warming within this range by all means.


"We examined 18 factors of uncertainty, including population and economic growth, climate sensitivity, resource potential, the impact of changes in agriculture and forestry, the cost of energy technologies, and the decoupling of energy demand from economic development," explained James Glynn, co-author of the study and leader of the Energy Systems Modeling Program.

The Monte Carlo method was used to identify new scenarios. This method allowed us to take into account a huge number of variables, namely 72 thousand of them were used in the work. Without question, the method does not predict the future exactly, it simply creates a map composed of different options for making a decision. However, it can already serve as an idea for developing a plan to combat climate change. Especially since biologists from the UK have previously published a report in the UK's Society for Experimental Biology that raised concerns about climate change. The British have found that living in constant 40 degree heat causes a person's metabolism to accelerate dramatically. Regrettably, this fact means that the ability of people to adapt to high temperatures is rather limited. This is one reason why it is so important to prevent global warming.



Unsplash / Mika Baumeister / Markus Spiske



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